A New Beginning
The last year or so has proven to not only be the best yet, but one of the most challenging to date. I know without a doubt that I am well cared for by a loving family, husband and more so, my Father in Heaven. The start of a new business, birth of another sweet little girl, new friends, lost friends, finding who I am and what I was created for, new adventures, lots of "firsts", sad times, lost times, joyful times, and yes, lots of funny times have played a huge role in who God is continuing to mold me into.
I know the blog world is full and there are so many of them, and I said I wouldn't start one unless I have something important(in my opinion) to say or share that will offer some kind of life to the broken, love to the hurting, and more faith to the faithless. I have learned so much and continue to in my life; especially the last few years. I've made mistakes, hurt people, been hurt, have lost faith, have had a hard time loving the unlovable and have felt incredibly lifeless. Through it all, I have found that ONE thing remains true: the deep and EXTRAVAGANT love of our SAVIOR that our minds can not possibly ever understand.
I hope you will find the encouragement you need at just the right time and that in some small way, a difference will be made in your life and the lives of those around you.
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